6 steps for an intense crystal healing spa experience: How to get the most out of bathing and showering with crystals.

Anandalite Creations has not only shared one of the best keep secrets about the powerful benefits you can receive by bathing with crystals we have developed the perfect system to assist (see blog ‘Crystal in the bath and shower…’). ‘So how does one go about bathing with crystals?’, I hear you ask. Well, Anandalite Creations’ Floating Crystal Healing System has made it an easy simple thing to do that can now be included in your daily/weekly bath and shower routine. In fact, this new system has made things so easy there are two main options, first the intense crystal healing spa experience and second, the easy daily routine (for crystal healing maintenance).
As we all deserve some pampering let’s start with the intense crystal healing spa experience treatment.
Intense Crystal Healing Spa Experience
Prepare space
The first step is to prepare the space. This starts with ensuring you have at least 1 hour without interruptions or distractions. So, turn off the phone, close the computer and the door. If you have children, send your partner to the shops with the kids, set them up with their favourite captivating movie, or make the most of them going on a sleep over. Now that you know you have a period free of interruptions it is time to pay attention to the physical space. Ensure the bathroom is clean before dressing the room with the essentials. Essentials can be different for each person, but some combination of the follow will be a good start. Place candles around the room, play relaxing, spiritual, or energising music (depending on what you hope to achieve with your crystal healing), light incenses or have essence oils burning. Finally, be sure to have a clean fresh bath towel and/or bathrobe prepared and waiting for you at completion of your bath (if you live in a cold climate warming these can be a nice touch).
Draw bath
As you are dressing the room you can be drawing the bath water to the temperature and depth that you like. Salts have become the go to when creating a pampering or healing bath and they have many benefits. While we acknowledge these benefits, we would also encourage people to consider other alternatives or to use salt in combination with some of our other suggestions. However, it is important to remember that salt will damage the surface of some crystals or deteriorate them e.g. carnelian is susceptible to salt. Hence when working with such crystals we would encourage people to use alternatives to salts. A wonderful alternative is essential oils which can work on the physical, psychological/emotional, and spiritual levels. Another option that works on these different levels are bath teas with many combinations aimed at resolving or treating different areas or specific ailments. If you don’t have these options available, you can always select some non-toxic fresh flowers from the garden that work as essences and bring the natural beauty of creation into the space. Finally, there is always the traditional option of bringing some fun to the bath with a layer of bubbles.
Whatever option or combination of options you choose we recommend you rinse off your Healing Crystal Connectors and Crystal Healing Float at the end of your bath to ensure any residue of oil, or salt etc., is removed to reduce any potential damage to your crystals or float.
If using salt or oils, it is recommended that these are added when the bath is ½ full to allow time for them to infuse with the water before you enter the bath. We encourage you to select essential oils based on their attributes and how these align with your intention for your healing session (e.g. are you selecting oils for cleansing, for spirituality, for energising, or a combination?).
This is also true when using bath teas again try to match the attributes of the tea selection with your intention for the crystal healing session. With teas one may elect to add these once the bath is almost full, particularly if adding loose tea as it will help it be at is most vibrant and potent for the time you are immersed in the water.
Set intentions
The most important part of any crystal healing bath is the setting of intentions this helps attune the crystals to your needs and to attune the crystals to the energies of your higher self or Divine* that supports the energy healing about to take place. It is best to keep your intentions simple so you can maintain a focus on these for the duration of the crystal healing bath. Therefore, we would recommend setting 1-3 intentions.
These can be general, specific or a combination of both. For example, you may have a general intention about bringing the Divine love, light and healing to you in this moment in the perfect way that is best suited for you at this time but also have a specific intention to work with a specific physical, emotional/psychological, or spiritual condition. For example, an intention to bring healing energy to a sore knee that has been bothering you or bringing healing energy to assist in managing intrusive thoughts etc.
Once you have set your intention you can hold this in your mind or write it down to add further emphasis and aid in bringing the intention into the manifest. If you do write it down, be conscious of how you discard it afterwards. If you are discarding try doing so in a way that sends the intention to the universe e.g. burn in a small pot and then release the ashes into the wind or if writing on thin or degradable paper take it in the bath with you so you are emerged with the intentions but that the paper will deteriorate throughout the duration of the bath and be release to the universe with the water when you finish your bath.
Alternatively, you may elect to keep these intentions to work on for a period of time in your regular mediation or in other crystal healing bath/shower sessions or to hold on your person for a week. You could even place them under the set of crystals you used in your crystal healing bath session to hold the healing intention for longer. Follow your intuition as to what is needed for you in this moment and in relation to the intention(s) you set.
Select Crystals
There are two main ways to select the crystals that are ‘right’ for this crystal healing session from your collection of Anandalite Creations’ Floating Crystals.
First, you can be guided by your intellect and select based on the information provided with each of your Healing Crystal Connector Collections or Individual Healing Crystal Connector, or your own extended research on individual crystal properties. If you are relying on your intellect do your research before starting the process of preparing the space and set your intentions earlier so you can focus on matching the healing energies and properties of the crystals with your intention.
Second, you can allow your intuition to guide your selection. In this case, after setting your intention for the healing session you would stand or sit with your full set of Healing Crystal Connectors in front of you with your intention held in your mind and ask to be guided to the ‘right’ crystals to support your intention for this healing. Then follow your intuition – which crystals jumped out at you, or called you to them, did you get a flash of the colour crystal you need or did a name drop into your mind etc. Follow this process until you have filled the spaces in your Anandalite Creations’ bath float(s).
There are three other methods that can help you select your crystals. First, combine the two main processes outlined above using both your intuition and your intellect. Second, use your energy field to sense/feel the ‘right’ crystal. Again, ask to be guided to the ‘right’ crystals and then hold your hand over each crystal and feel their individual energy and sense which one is ‘right’ for this moment. Are there ones that you are sensing or feeling the energy more strongly today? Are there ones that keep drawing your hand back? These are the crystals that your intuition and energy system are guiding you to use. Finally, you can use a pendulum. Ask each crystal if it is supposed to be used for this session and then read the response of the pendulum based on yes or no response.
Once you have selected your Healing Crystal Connectors restate your intentions three times, in your mind or out loud (saying out loud can add to the power of your intention and helps to bring the intention into the manifest world) whilst holding your crystals or simply say over the crystals. Additionally, if you have written down your intentions you can further enhance the process by placing the crystals on the written intentions and restate in your mind or out loud. This setting of intentions process will not program the crystals permanently but will help them align their energies to your healing intent for the purpose of this crystal healing session. If you want to program, permanently check back for a forth coming Crystal Musing on programming your crystals.
Once the intentions have been infused with the crystals insert the Healing Crystal Connectors in the Crystal Healing Float and place in the bath water.
The Crystal Healing Bath
You are now set to enter the spiritually prepared bath water and relax and enjoy the magnified, dynamic, and responsive crystal healing bath experience only Anandalite Creations’ Floating Crystal Healing system can provide. With the Floating Crystals in the bath, you can elect to enter straight away or wait a few minutes for the energies of the crystals to infuse with the bath water. If your float has a candle on top, you may elect to light it once you are in the bath to avoid potential of wax spill as you enter (or enter mindfully to avoid turbulent water and potential wax spillage).
Once in the bath lay in a relaxed position. Arrange your Crystal Healing Float(s) in the bath around you as needed and guided by your intuition. Breath in deeply while reaffirming your intention exhale in a quick sharp burst and repeat 3 times. Now let the crystals and the Divine do what they do best provide love and healing to your spiritual, emotional/psychological, and physical bodies.
To further enhance the healing experience, you can hold or maintain your attention on your body noticing and being mindful of changes you feel throughout your physical, emotional, spiritual bodies. Simply note what you experience, place your attention to the area and then move to the next sensation. One would usually move freely to the next sensation, to the next sensation. And so on, and if the mind wonders one simply brings the mind/attention/consciousness back to the moment and what you can feel and sense.
However, at times you may get the feeling to stay with a particular area for longer. For example, you may start to experience a tightness or pain in your shoulder, you bring your attention to the area, you note, and you go to move on, but the sensation brings you back, in this case perhaps take a moment to bring your full attention to this spot continue to just be present and aware of the sensation and how it feels and any changes you notice. Do not make judgements about the sensation just notice and observe. You may then choose to enhance your awareness in this spot by bringing your breath to this spot with your awareness, stay in this space and breathe into it and as it shifts and changes you can then move on again to broaden your awareness and note and be aware of the many changing sensations you feel.
Remember this process is about being present and responsive to the healing the crystals are providing and the changes they are creating in your energy system it is not about judging any of the sensations you feel. By staying present and bringing your full attention in this way you add your own energy and healing powers to the bathing crystal healing process.
While the Crystal Healing Float can move across the surface of the water and be responsive to your energy system, if at any time during your crystal healing bath you sense the need to move the float to a new area, do so.
Ending your healing session
When you believe the healing session is over and you are ready to leave the bath there are a few last things to do. First, before exiting the bath breath in deeply 3 times bringing your full self and attention back to this moment ready to face life again. Give thanks or say a pray of gratitude thanking the crystals and Divine for the healing, love, light and energy they have shared with you during the session and for the ongoing benefits and support.
Hop out and wrap yourself in the beautiful clean and warm towel or robe your prepared earlier. Remove the Crystal Healing Floats and rise under clean water to remove any oil, salt, or grime residue. As you rinse the Healing Crystal Connector you can also focus your intention and visualise the water not only washing away any physical dirt and residue but any negative energies or energetic residue it has collected through the healing session. Place the floats in their stand or on a towel to dry. Remove the plug and drain the bath. You are now ready to move forward in life with renewed energy and vitality and the benefits of the healing specific to your intentions. If your float has a candle, it is best to remove the float and place in its stand and allow candle wax to solidify before starting the cleaning process outlined above to avoid wax spillage and risk of damage or injury.
Regular Bathing Routine
To include in routine bathing one can simply follow the above instructions re setting an intention and selecting the ‘right’ Healing Crystal Connectors and then include in your regular bath. You do not need to prepare the space and maintain your attention throughout the bath you can simply go about your normal bathing habits, and you will still benefit from the magnified crystal healing benefits of Floating Crystals. This is wonderful for maintenance and ensuring you are getting the most out of your crystals by using regularly. However, we would recommend that you treat yourself to an Intense Crystal Healing Spa Experience every couple of weeks or at a minimum of once a month.
Finally, for those keen to really make the most of the amplified healing boost of using crystals in water and Anandalite Creations’ Floating Crystal Healing System you can also use your Healing Crystal Connectors in our custom designed shower head. Ensuring you are receiving crystal healing every day. To do this follow the same processes outlined above re setting intentions and selecting of Healing Crystal Connectors.
Now that you are one of the few that know the secrets to bathing with crystals be sure to share the secret with your friends and loved ones so we can all benefit from daily crystal healing and play our part in helping to bring a little balance to this world by embodying peace, love, joy and bliss.
Crystal Blessing and Bliss,
Anandalite Team
* Divine being that which one identifies as that part of and beyond creation that is the source. Some might call this God, Allah, Buddha, The Universe. Others my like to call in Spirit Guides, Angels, or totems. Please use the language appropriate for your beliefs.